Wednesday, October 27, 2010

mobil Daihatsu SIRION, jakarta

Motor : .Rp. 155,30 jt
hendy, Phone : 02190272719, Location : jakarta.
Date : 12 October 2010

quot;Sirion Drift mempertahankan ciri khasnya sebagai mobil yang sesuai dengan. kebutuhan generasi muda mesin bahan bakar yang efisien dan kuat, kabin lapang yang multi-fungsi, fitur berteknologi tinggi untuk kenikmatan berkendara. dan desain baru yang lebih sporty, stylish dan keren. Sirion Famme yang lahir di arena Indonesia Internasional Motor Show (IIMS) 2010 adalah mobil yang khusus dibuat untuk wanita yang menginginkan mobil elegan,. tetapi masih menyiratkan napas feminimisme. Here are the specifications of each type:Sirion Drift:. - Side body molding- R16 Alloy wheel. - Front

English Translation »

Daihatsu Sirion, jakarta

Price : Rp. 155.30 mil.
Item : Motor : Daihatsu SIRION.
Seller :Contact : hendy, 02190272719, jakarta..

quot; Sirion Drift retain his trademark as a vehicle to suit. needs of the younger generation of fuel efficient engines and powerful, roomy cabin is a multi-function, high-tech features for the enjoyment of driving. and the new design is more sporty, stylish and cool. Sirion Famme who was born in the arena of Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2010 is a car specially made for women who want the elegant cars. but still implies feminimisme breath. Here are the specifications of EACH type: Sirion Drift:. - Side body molding-R16 Alloy wheel. - Front

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