Saturday, October 30, 2010

mobil daihatsu Taruna CSX 2000

Motor : .Rp. 84 jt
Location : Bekasi.
Date : 15 October 2010

Daihatsu Taruna CSX 2000 Gan. mau Jual Mobil masih seger Tinggal pakai siap luar Kota. enak di lihat. ban betul2 baru ac dingin, pajak panjang,KTP bisa pinjam,jika mobil cocok Harga bisa nego.(lihat ga kecewa) kalau Agan minat Kontek2dah Di (021) 3311 4848 - Widdy. Ok Gan Makasih. Daihatsu. Taruna CSX.2000. Station. Rp 83.500.000 Nego. B - Bekasi Utara.2. Biru-Silver.1500. premium. M/T.5. Widdy. BEKASI. Bekasi , Jawa Barat:02133114848  (hubungi pada kapan saja).

English Translation »

Daihatsu Taruna CSX 2000

Price : Rp. 84.00 mil.
Item : Motor : Daihatsu– 2000.
Seller :Contact : Bekasi..

Daihatsu Taruna CSX 2000 Gan. Sell Cars would still fresh ready to use out of City Living. good in view. betul2 cold ac new tires, long tax, ID cards can borrow, if the car fits Prices are negotiable. (see ga disappointed) if Agan interest Kontek2dah In (021) 3311 4848 - Widdy. Gan Ok Thanks. Daihatsu. CSX.2000 cadets. Station. USD 19 500 000 Nego. B - Bekasi Utara.2. Blue-Silver.1500. premium. M/T.5. Widdy. BEKASI. Bekasi, West Java: 02133114848 (please call at any time.)

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When Decided to Buy Used Daihatsu Car.

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  2. Make sure that the ads you're interested in is not a scam ad. While contacting the seller, please check that he/she is a trusted seller. It is a good thing if you already know the range price of your selected Daihatsu model, so you know whether the price is make sense or not.
  3. Make appointment to meet the seller in public place. Check item's condition throughly, validate item's paper to local authority.