Saturday, December 18, 2010

mobil daihatsu Zebra 1300 1993

Mobil : .Rp. 24 jt
Location : Kota Semarang.
Date : 10 December 2010

Daihatsu Zebra 1300 1993 Body Galvalnil, barang pesanan khusus. kalo berminat bisa hubungi 024-91363528 (Pak Hendro)085865725890 (Bu Heny)081325793100 (Bu Hesty).Daihatsu. Zebra 1300.1993. Station. Rp 24.000.000 Nego. H - Semarang.2. Rp 1.300.000. biru tua.1300. premium. manual. Arief. semarang. Kota Semarang , Jawa Tengah:02491363528, 085865725890  (hubungi pada kapan saja).

English Translation »

Daihatsu Zebra 1300 1993

Price : Rp. 24.00 mil.
Item : Motor : Daihatsu– 1993.
Seller :Contact : Kota Semarang..

Daihatsu Zebra 1300 1993 Body Galvalnil, special order items. if interested can call 024-91363528 (Mr. Hendro) 085 865 725 890 (Mrs. Heny) 081 325 793 100 (Bu Hesty). Daihatsu. Zebra 1300.1993. Station. Rp 24,000,000 Nego. H - Semarang.2. Rp 1,300,000. tua.1300 blue. premium. manual. Arief. semarang. The city of Semarang, Central Java: 02491363528, 085865725890 (call at any time.)

1 comment:

  1. Mobil sdh laku blm?
    posisi di semarang mana?
    Bisa info foto mobilnya?


When Decided to Buy Used Daihatsu Car.

  1. Create a list of your needs in buying used Daihatsu car. Match those with every ads you could find. Pick 5 - 7 most matched used Daihatsu car ads. Do not get attempted by the price the ad offer. See the location of the car, year of fabrication, and detail description corresponding to the advertised ads. Good ad usually also attaching latest photograph within.
  2. Make sure that the ads you're interested in is not a scam ad. While contacting the seller, please check that he/she is a trusted seller. It is a good thing if you already know the range price of your selected Daihatsu model, so you know whether the price is make sense or not.
  3. Make appointment to meet the seller in public place. Check item's condition throughly, validate item's paper to local authority.